Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why do they grow so fast???

With the change of seasons comes the task of clothing inventory and storage. Looking at the photo above, I realized that two of the critters have outgrown their clothes worn in the photo. *sniff* *sniff* These children are so precious and they will be grown so fast. Redeem the time!!


Mirth said...

I love that picture.

Lydia said...

Found your blog through a friend's blog that you commented on (she's adopting from foster system). The picture of your kids is PRECIOUS. I too have four little ones and they are growing way too fast. Just finished organizing all their clothes for this next season. Made me so sad to get rid of some things but can't keep it all:)

loavesandfishes said...

Me too. I get very sad when I have to release some of these clothes. They are linked to so many happy memories.

I hope your friend has her adoption worked out quickly. These children need to get out of the system and into their forever homes as quickly as possible. Foster care is no substitute for a loving and caring "forever family."

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